


Gallery of Gizmos photos from when he arrived, not weaned and only at the age of a 2.5 months, to present day photos. 

He spends most of his time either flying around the office, stealing things, ripping up paper or sleeping.

Gizmo's Info

Name: Gizmo
Scientific Name: Psittacus erithacus erithacus 

Legband No: BII 11D 279
Hatchday: 5th June 2005
Age: 8 years old (but still thinks he is 5 or 6 when you ask him)
Country of Origin: Philippines
Species Origin: Central Africa 
Species Habitat: Swamp Forests & Mangroves
Gizmo's Habitat: SCLD Office, Shelves, & Bookcases 
CITES Permit No: 8218A-2005 21/07/2005
Date of Transfer to Owner (Steve) : 27 August 2005

Favourite Tunes : Theme tunes from The Great Escape; Mission Impossible; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; The Mexican Hat Dance; and Popeye. 
Favourite Things: Paper and card, To steal stuff and fly away laughing, Red things, Food, being out of the cage for as long as possible, Imitating phone conversations.