Gizmo's Hatchday - 12 years old Today

Happy Hatchday Gizmo!

Gizmo at Stephen Caffyn Landscape Design

Gizmo at Stephen Caffyn Landscape Design

Gizmo on his 12th Birthday enjoying a bit of carrot

Gizmo on his 12th Birthday enjoying a bit of carrot

Gizmo's Info

Name: Gizmo
Scientific Name: Psittacus erithacus erithacus 

Legband No: BII 11D 279
Hatchday: 5th June 2005
Age: 12 years old (but still says he is 6 when you ask him)
Country of Origin: Philippines
Species Origin: Central Africa
Species Habitat: Swamp Forests & Mangroves
Gizmo's Habitat: SCLD Office, Shelves, & Bookcases
CITES Permit No: 8218A-2005 21/07/2005
Date of Transfer to Owner (Steve) : 27 August 2005

Favourite Tunes : Theme tunes from The Great Escape; Mission Impossible; The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; The Mexican Hat Dance; and Popeye.

Favourite Things: Paper and card, To steal stuff and fly away laughing, Red things, Food, being out of the cage for as long as possible, Imitating phone conversations.

Gizmo back in 2005

Gizmo back in 2005