Jim & Andy arriving in Singapore soon

The other Directors of our proposed Garden Design Asia (Jim Fogarty and Andy Sturgeon) are arriving in Singapore and will be presenting / participating at the SingaPlural 2014 World Class Design Forum on the subject of 'Where Landscape Craft meets Gaming Fantasy'.

Jim Fogarty will be presenting - "Using BIM and 3D Technology to Communicate Design for Show Gardens" while Andy Sturgeon is "Living in a Dream" (which is what we've been telling him for years!).

Jim and Andy were recently both in NZ to Judge at Ellerslie International Flower Show and have since been featured in the first ever 3D printed miNiATURE Garden Show at the Strand Gallery London.
has also just won 3 awards for a tropical garden at the Philadelphia Flower Show in the USA. Congratulations !
Though we are not quite sure how he's done that since all these events seem to be on pretty much at the same time! We will have to ask him when he gets here next week.